Our Produce


Long Eggplant (Solanum melogena)

Egg Plant

Our Long Eggplants are harvested 2 to 3 times per week based on sun shine. It gives up time to regular prune ensuring the fruits are succulent in any dish.

The white spongy texture of the eggplant is high in fiber

You can find them sold loose or packaged some supporting local markets.

Easy treat with Long eggplant is to dip it in flour, egg batter or bread crumbs and a quick sauté. This easily prepared dish for those on the goo!

What to Look for When Purchasing

We make sure our Long Eggplant are:

Storage Tips

It is best to use eggplant as soon as possible as it bitters with age. To extent self life you could wrap in plastic or in a damp paper towel and store in the refrigerator vegetable bin. Handle eggplant gently as they bruise easily.

Fun Facts

Good For You (Nutritional) Facts:

Serving Size = 1 cup
Calories – 28
Proteins (g) – 0.8
Carbohydrates (g) – 6.6
Fiber (g) – 2.5
Fat (g) – 0.2
Vitamin A (I.U.) – 63
Folate (mcg) – 13.8
Potassium (mg) - 246